Despite what some people thing, student life can be very difficult. Not only do many have to cope on a very tight budget but there is the constant pressure of coursework and exams as well as trying to keep up with all of the various social events that are part and parcel of university life. It is not surprising therefore, that many students start to cut corners when it comes to their health. Bad diets are common amongst students because of lack of time and lack of money. However, it is not just dietary health that suffers. Many students also neglect their dental health and during their years at university barely go near a dentist unless they experience a problem with their teeth.
As a student it is vital to remember that dental health is not something that you can just pick up and put down like a book as and when you feel like it. In order to ensure that you do not experience serious dental issues in the future, you need to maintain your dental health and oral hygiene during your university years as well, which means making sure you go to the dentist for check-ups and to help maintain good oral hygiene. If you experience problems with your teeth while at university it could affect everything from your work to your confidence and ability to interact with other students.
Thinking towards the future
At LS1 we want to encourage students to think towards the future when it comes to their dental health. While it is all very easy for students to focus on the here and now – the next exam, the next dissertation that’s due, or even the next party – letting things slide in terms of your health could have a profound impact in years to come. You need to ensure that you visit a student dentist regularly to minimise on the risk of problems.
By making sure you visit one of our dental hygienists you can make sure that your dental health is looked after while you are at university, which means that you can avoid both immediate and future problems when it comes to your teeth. We make it easy too, with reduced rates for students.
Our walk in service
Accidents are often part and parcel of student life, as we have seen time and time again. Many students end up breaking or damaging their teeth as a result of falling over after a drink or from using their teeth to open bottles. Many others are involved in sports at college and end up suffering dental problems as a result of an accident on the field. At LS1, we can help students that suffer these types of accidents with our convenient walk-in service, which means that you can get the attention you need right away and without having to take time out from your studies.