Fast, effective treatment to achieve straighter teeth in half the time to traditional orthodontic treatments…. Available in our Leeds dental practice.
A lot of adults regret not having orthodontic ( braces) work carried out as a child , and dream about straightening their teeth , however as a adult they tend to be put off by the thought of extractions, 2-3 years of wearing a brace , time of work for all the review appointments and last but not least the COST.
LS1 Dental Leeds have been listening to our patients worries and desires for straighter teeth and we feel we have found a solution in the revolutionary Fastbraces© system now available from LS1 Dental Leeds , it cuts don’t the treatment time and in most cases can be completed in 6 months , extractions are a thing of the past and the number of appointment needed are required kept to a minimum
So the smile you have been dreaming of may just be a simple call to LS1 Dental Leeds away or why not take a look at the LS1 Dental fastbrace video
Because Fastbraces® work differently than traditional braces, most people have questions about Fastbraces®. Let LS1 Dental Leeds, help you with the answers to some of the most common questions:
How do Fastbraces® work?
Fastbraces® are designed to do what traditional braces do, only they can do it faster. Fastbraces® has a unique design that is able to move the top and root of your teeth simultaneously. Traditional braces move the top and roots in separate steps, increasing the time you have to wear braces.
Who can wear Fastbraces®?
They are designed to work on most children, teenagers, and adults.
Do Fastbraces® hurt?
Any time you alter the positioning of your teeth – whether you use traditional braces or Fastbraces® – there is going to be some discomfort. However, since Fastbraces® can move the top and root of your teeth at the same time, they cause less discomfort than traditional braces.
How long does it take to see the result from Fastbraces®?
Instead of waiting 2 or 3 years with traditional braces, Fastbraces® can give most people straighter smiles in about a year. In fact, there are plenty of people who have seen remarkable results from their Fastbraces® in just a few months.
Are Fastbraces® safe?
Absolutely! Fastbraces® is the original fast and safe patented braces system developed by Dallas orthodontist, Dr. Anthony Viazis. About 20 years ago, he recognized that patients’ were looking for treatment that could be done faster and without the risks that come with the older conventional braces. With safety in mind, Dr. Viazis developed a system that could straighten teeth differently than the conventional braces, thus allowing for a fast, safe, and affordable solution.
Is there a guarantee?
Fastbraces® gives you a lifetime satisfaction commitment! If, for whatever reason, you need braces again for some of the original crooked teeth, your provider will give you the braces again at no charge. You will simply pay for the future charge for two new sets of clear retainers and records.
Are there clear braces available?
Yes, Fastbraces® does offer clear brackets. This option does increase the cost and length of treatment. If interested, please ask your doctor about the clear braces option during your consultation.
Do all patients qualify for Fastbraces®?
Most patients qualify (about 80%). The only conditions that Fastbraces® does not address are teeth stuck in the bone (impacted), surgical (jaw) cases, and TMJ (joint) pain, as well as some extreme under bites or multidisciplinary (need very specialized treatment) cases.
Can Fastbraces® work for adults, too?
Of course. They are great for kids and adults.
Are there any risks at Fastbraces® compared to traditional braces?
No, there are no more risks of tooth or root problems than those associated with traditional braces. In fact, university research has shown very positive results. We believe this is due to the fact that Fastbraces® moves teeth with the patented braces technology gently with low forces. A special square nickel- titanium wire is activated by the heat of the mouth. It torques the whole tooth in the natural mouth temperature in one stage in about a year, and in some cases, in just a few months.
How are Fastbraces® different from other so-called quick system or even modern-day traditional braces?
Fastbraces® are the original fast and safe braces system developed by Dallas orthodontist Dr. Anthony Viazis about 20 years ago. Fastbraces® moves the root of the teeth from the beginning of treatment in order to upright the tooth in the final straight position. Once the root is upright, the tooth is straight. This is done by using a square wire from the beginning of treatment that torques the root in position.
Most other orthodontic braces start with a round wire that cannot torque the root, but rather simply begins the alignment of the crowns of the teeth until the doctor can move up in wire size to a square or rectangular wire that can torque the root. Fastbraces® can do that from the beginning. In short, other braces are usually square in shape and typically move the crowns during the first year and the roots during the second year, thus requiring around two years of braces treatment. The patented triangular design of the braces used at Fastbraces® gently allows for movement of the crown and root of the teeth at the same time, requiring typically one year of treatment instead of two.
LS1 Dental offer free consultations for the Fastbrace © system so you can get expert advice from an experienced dental surgeon , who can go over all the details of the treatment with you